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30 agosto, 2015

NEW IN | lumberjack days

15 comentários :

20 agosto, 2015


27 comentários :

15 agosto, 2015

Looking through a prism of practical

20 comentários :

12 agosto, 2015

summer season | wishlist

28 comentários :
1| here   2| here   3| here   4| here
5| here   6| here   7| here   8| here

The CnDirect has beautiful things. This is my summer wishlist and two of these pieces are on their way to my closet, you can guess what? I hope you have a great wednesday, I will work later. <3

08 agosto, 2015

What do we really need In this life?

29 comentários :

02 agosto, 2015

Carabela beach & Golf

22 comentários :

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